
Greetings and a warm Aloha to all who visit our humble home! We hope you find yourselves in good health and high spirits on your side of the screen. Faith, Hope, and Charity are here with a deep-rooted mission - to inspire hope and extend a helping hand to those in need.

To our beloved Polynesian brothers and sisters, this message is for you. We stand united to support and assist you and your families during challenging times. Financial instability can weigh heavily on one's heart, and we are here to walk this journey with you.

Our commitment is to bring hope back to those facing hardships. With open hearts and arms, we aim to positively impact your life and help you overcome life's obstacles.

Let us build a community of strength, resilience, and compassion together. Our mission is driven by a genuine desire to make a difference, and we hope to be a beacon of light during times of darkness.

Welcome to our virtual haven of hope, where every soul matters and no one is left behind. We invite you to explore our resources and support, knowing you are not alone on this journey.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you or anyone you know is facing financial challenges. We are here to lend an understanding ear and a helping hand. Together, we can make a difference, and together, we can create a brighter future.

Mahalo for being a part of our mission, and we look forward to walking this path of hope with you.

With warmest regards, Faith, Hope, and Charity

Our why?

We believe that every individual, as a cherished child of God, deserves a life of dignity and purpose. Recognizing the profound joy and fulfillment that comes from lending a helping hand, we established this organization. Our aim is to uplift those facing adversity, empowering them to rise, thrive, and perhaps, in time, extend that same compassion to others. 


Our mission is to uplift and empower individuals grappling with homelessness, poverty, and other socio-economic challenges, guiding them towards self-reliance and a life of purpose and fulfillment. 


We're here to assist you in various capacities, from food and utility support to rental and mortgage aid. Beyond immediate necessities, our services extend to employment training and aiding in your job hunt. Dreaming of establishing your business or achieving the American Dream? We're on board. Our expertise encompasses credit repair guidance, leading you step-by-step through the home-buying journey. With dependable realtors and mortgage brokers in our network, we ensure you're in good hands. While the path to homeownership can be extended, potentially taking up to two years to qualify, your dedication combined with our support can make it a reality. If education is your aspiration, we stand ready to connect you with essential resources, guiding you through FAFSA applications, securing grants, loans, and everything you need to step back into the classroom. 


We understand that life's journey can be filled with hurdles and hardships, but with belief, faith, and hope, our organization is here to support you. We're committed to bolstering those who feel weakened and bringing solace to those striving to navigate life's challenges. Our empathy runs deep, and our sincere wish is for your well-being. Please complete the form above, and let's explore how we can assist you further. 

